Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Be careful who you tell!

Do you have a great idea?
Do you want it to spread to as many people as possible?

     You might consider telling a few people like it was a secret...Funny how that works people love secrets and they love to share them.  Why is it important for everyone to know your idea?  The answer is easy the more people who know your idea the more powerful it becomes!  This is the basic concept behind the collective consciousness.
     One person does have the ability to change the world but when many people share the same idea it multiplies the effect that much more.  I don't write this blog to tell people how be kind.  I think we are born knowing how be kind.  I write this blog to spread the idea of being kind because the more people that are thinking and talking about it, the more people that are spreading the idea the more effect the idea has.  I don't think anyone can deny that we can use more kindness in this world.  If you are reading this blog I know that you have the desire to spread kindness just like me and that you want to see more kindness in the world just as I do.  You don't have to write a blog  or create a Facebook group to be an ambassador of kindness just share the secret with someone else.  You can do much better than just sharing the secret with a lot of people. Heck, you can even start a rumor that the new chic thing to do is be kind to one another.  Together we can make this a very powerful idea, one that everyone loves to share and the more people that are thinking about it the more powerful it will become!
      Before I finish this post I will share with you a secret I have discovered this week.  I found another blogger who is almost as talented as I...actually she is more talented that but who's counting.  Her name is Phäu Miz and she writes a blog about giftivism if your not sure what that is check it out I will share one of my favorite posts here http://socialmediabar.com/karmakitchengiftivism !
 Enjoy and remember we're not here for a long time we're here for a good time so be kind to each other!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Face of KIN

  Look in a mirror and what you will see is the face of KIN!


That's right it's YOU!                                                                                                                       K.i.N.
The Kindness Initiative Network
This is a group of like minded people from all walks of life; from all religious backgrounds, cultures, sexes, social and financial status's who share one goal and that is being kind to one another and spreading kindness to everyone they come in contact with. As a group we refer to one another as KIN, which means family!

     Families have strong bonds with one another and sometimes we don't always agree or approve of the actions of our family members. However, nothing ever changes the fact that we share this bond and that whether we want to or not, we love and try our best to be kind to one another. Wouldn't it be great if we treat everyone in the whole world this way? This is the mission of KIN to change the the world thinks and works one good deed at a time!  If you want to do that all you have to do is take the initiative....What is an initiative you ask?

The definition of Initiative according to 



  [ih-nish-ee-uh-tiv, ih-nish-uh-]  
an introductory act or step; leading action: to take the initiative in making friends.
readiness and ability in initiating action; enterprise: to lack initiative.
one's personal, responsible decisionto act on one's own initiative.

     The Kindness Initiative Network is not a traditional charity.  We are in the business of spreading kindness and inspiring others to do the same through our kind acts and good deeds.  Many times people are inspired to do more than just a good deed.  They want reach out and try to help someone in need any way that they can. When their kind acts turn to more of a charitable nature I encourage them to take the initiative to do what they can and post their efforts on our Facebook page to see if other KIN would like to help. The response that they get is always the same from this group it's always an overwhelming response of the KIN pooling their resources and coming together as a family (KIN)to do everything they can!

    I would like to share with you a couple of my KIN that took the initiative recently to give you an idea of what this group is capable of. These are just examples, members of  KIN do way more than this; they spread kindness in many ways big and small. The fact is that ALL KIN make an effort every day to spread kindness. These two people are a shining of example of what it means to take an initiative.

    The first is a caring and dear friend and of course my KIN named Sue.  Sue wanted to raise some money for some of our other very close KIN who have severe medical problems and can't afford equipment they need to make their lives more livable. Sue decided to sell christian art work that she had made from things she found in nature. She then used that money to buy some supplies to bake some delicious cupcakes that she sold to neighbors, friends and a local business owner in a matter of minutes. She also asked the owner of that business if he would put a donation jar on his counter which he happily agreed to.  Finally she posted her efforts and asked for people to save bottles for her that she could return for the deposit.  The Kindness Initiative Network did not raise money for her, she and her KIN did and so far it has been a success but her efforts will continue until she reaches her goal.  If you would like to read more about Sue's cause check the link at the bottom of the page.
    The second is my wife, Marie, who not only assisted Sue in her cause, she also played a big role helping my sister raise money for mounting medical expenses for my niece April, who has a rare disease of the blood vessels in her brain and many complications from that as well as having childhood diabetes. April need a lot of help and if you would like to read more about this AMAZING young lady I encourage you to do so. I will post a link at the bottom for April as well!

    KIN has many faces and many new ones everyday these are two shining examples of the taking the initiative of spreading kindness and doing good deeds to a whole new level and using the POWER of the Kindness Initiative Network to help them further their cause. If you are reading this line I know that you are my KIN too and I thank you for everything you do.  "We can not do a kindness to soon for we never know how soon is too late."  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson.

     Thanks for reading and remember we are not here for a long time we are here for a good time so be KIND to each other!


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Just Kidding

You are a great and powerful human being!

Use your powers for good and you will be rewarded!

     How you interact with people is the single most important way to spread kindness.  The way you treat other people and the things you say carry weight to them.  When you choose your words and actions carefully it will make a difference in other peoples lives and the way they respond to you!  We never know the impact that our words and actions have on another person or how they view us.  How do you want to be thought of by others?  Do you want to be thought of as a happy uplifting person?  Do people enjoy your company? Do they request your presence? Or do you find yourself not being invited or talked to?
     Everyone knows "that guy" or "that girl" the one that one that is always just kidding. The person who comes around many times uninvited who shows up and greets you with an insult that is supposed to be "funny" but never is.  That person can be just as powerful as a kind person and in some cases more powerful. When they walk into a room the energy changes. People get on defensive they start looking over their shoulder and hoping subconsciously that they are not going to be attacked by that persons insults next.  In most cases people fear the insults so much that they take the preemptive strike and they deliver the insult first which only fuels the fire for that person and lets them think that their just kidding attack is funny and acceptable.  Then it becomes contagious and everyone starts making fun of one another. The impact that this person has on others is destructive. Even though it's understood that they are "just kidding," their words carry weight and a destructive force. The things they say affect people on a conscious and subconscious level. It affects their self esteem and makes them feel bad. Usually the person delivering the insults doesn't realize this so they continue to do it because they think it's funny and that others enjoy it.
     Then there is the opposite person; the one who gets invited to every thing. The one who puts a smile on peoples faces even before they say anything. The one who lifts and brightens every room they enter with they enter with their positive attitude and their kind words. This person always seems to have good luck and good fortune but more importantly, they are truly powerful people. This person empowers people with encouraging words and compliments, they make others feel good and raise their self esteem.  These people are always talked about in the highest regard long before they arrive somewhere and long after they leave.  The words and kind acts carry weight too and many times have a long lasting effect that goes on to affect others in a positive way.  People remember the good feeling and the good vibes that come from this person and they want to be like this person.
     Who do you want to be? The first person I described or the second?
     You can change any time you want. If you change for the good, I believe you will enjoy the benefits of that so much more that you will never change back.  It's easy to make the change to being a kind person, simply just smiling every time you see someone and paying them a genuine compliment is a great start.  They may not know how to take you at first and they may be waiting for "the punch line" or the insult, but once they know your sincere they will come around and begin to enjoy you and your company!
     How do I know?
     I used to be "that guy" and I saw the negative impact that my words and actions had on others so I decided to make the change and it has been one of the best things I have ever done. Not only do I uplift and empower others but I improve my own self esteem in the process. This change for me is what eventually lead me to create the Kindness Initiative Network and this blog.  I LOVE being kind so much more and seeing the difference that it makes for others that it's my favorite thing to do!  If you're "that guy or that girl" or you know that person, share this article with them and if they get mad or offended, tell them you are Just Kidding!
     Thanks for reading and remember were not here for along time were here for a good time so be kind to each other!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's working

Build it and they will come ~ Bull Durham

The movement has begun and just like a freight train when it leaves the station someone pulls a small block from in front of the wheels and the big heavy train starts moving.  The train moves very slowly at first but with each revolution of the wheels the speed seems to double until soon the train is moving at full speed. It takes almost as long and more energy to stop a train at full speed than it takes to get it moving.
The point to this illustration is show that once a movement has begun you don't want to stop it but more importantly if you were going to catch the train it's much easier to do it in the beginning than it is when it's at full speed.
I started by making a weekly practice at being kind, spreading kindness,and doing good deeds just on Facebook. Then with blogging, then with Twitter, and Google+, then with a podcast.  At first only on the weekends, then talking about kindness, during the week then, doing good deeds and spreading kindness during the week, until now I'm talking about it and doing something about kindness daily it has become a part of my life and a part of me. At first I could see the happiness and joy that I was bringing to to the people around me.  I could see the differences that I was making in those lives and that was fun, exciting and addictive. The more I spread kindness the more I want to spread it and just like last weeks post the more I look for kindness the more I find.
I have taken notice of kindness just recently on a much larger scale but more amazingly then finding it on my own it's been shared with me by different and sometimes unexpected people. I don't think that I directly inspired the kindnesses that they shared but I do think that just by having the thoughts, feeling and intentions out into the universe that other AMAZING people picked up on the energy and vibration. Those people do and think of AWESOME things and ways to inspire and spread kindness. More importantly I'm surprised by some of the people who shared these links with me it lets me know that kindness is on their radar!
I can now see, hear and feel kindness a little more every day where ever I go this makes me happy and lets me know that it's working! Here are some of the links to kindness that were shared with me this week I know you will enjoy them!
One girl,89 random acts of kindness
Pink stops concert for crying girl!
This one shared by my 15 yr old son call a good guy compilation
Enjoy the links and as always thank you for reading and remember we are not here for a long time we are here for a good time so be kind to each other!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

What goes around comes around

Good or bad if you put it out there it will come back to you!
Thoughts are things and actions are reality, make them count!
Everyone has good days and bad days how you choose to react to those days is up to you.  It’s very easy to let a bad day or an unsavory action or event ruin your day but you make the choice to let it affect your being.  I make a practice of monitoring my thoughts and actions so that they are in line with desirable and savory actions and activities in my life. I also make a practice of spreading kindness.  Even I get off track and lose my focus sometimes but because of my practices I am fortunate to have AWESOME people in my life  who help me change my mind, get me re-focused and back on track.
This last week I came down with the flu and some other things happened that made me upset. I started to get very down on myself and I shared my frustrations with a few people in my life. As the week wore on I was contacted by more and more people to support me me and lift me and my spirit back up. I was so grateful that all of these people with their kind words and positive energy were able to help me and brighten my day and my week. They pulled me out of the low, the sickness and the funk so that I can continue my mission of spreading kindness and good deeds. To all of those people I say thank you!
This is one small example of how this works. I know that there are many more because I see, hear, and read about it every day.  I challenge you to make a practice of monitoring your thoughts and actions to see what happens.  Be sure to change your focus from negative, sick, bad, and unsavory, to positive, desirable, healthy, and savory, and then share your experiences with me. I love to read about how people change their minds, lives and behaviors for the better!
Thanks for reading and remember were not here for a long time were here for a good time so be kind to each other!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The more I look The more I find

Seek and you will find...~unknown

When I started my podcast I also started a Twitter account and  a few other social media accounts.  For the purpose of searching for other people besides the people on the Kindness Initiative Network spreading kindness and doing good deeds.  I was not surprised to find a few other groups and organizations focused on good deeds as well as a number of young people who find being kind a priority in their lives.  To my surprise I have found what seems to be an unending supply of people who make kindness and kind acts a priority in their lives.  The more I search the more I find and this makes me happy!

I started my group of KIN and my podcast to encourage people to change the way the world thinks and works one good deed at time because my experience in life up til now had been filled with people who were not so kind. I felt the need to inspire and encourage others to be kind and do good deeds. I still feel the need to do this because even though I have found a much larger number of people spreading kindness I believe that there needs to be more.

I think that no matter what the topic is you can always find a pocket of the population that is aware or involved but when it comes to kindness the numbers are growing to more than just a pocket they are well on there way to becoming the majority. This is good news and it excites me to think that people and corporations even small companies think that kindness and being nice to one another  is a priority.  My initiative is working; don't get me wrong I don't think that I am responsible for inspiring all of these people. I can feel good about being part of the movement that is kindness. I feel that I'm doing my part and I am contributing to changing the way the world thinks and works one good deed at a time! I will continue my efforts and continue to seek and partner where I can with other people, groups, and organizations to continue the powerful and rapid growth of this AWESOME MOVEMENT!
Thanks for reading and being kind to one another!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Today is the most IMPORTANT day make it count!

ImageIs today just another day? Are you going to get up and go off to work, school, the gym, or to meet clients?  Maybe just some usual daily living activities like getting groceries, coffee, gas, picking up your dry cleaning or mail, or maybe even some yard work.  How many people will you come in contact with today?  How many of those people do you actually know?  If you think you know them, what do you know about them? Do you want to know more? Are you interested or do you even care?
  The answer to the first question is NO!  Today is not just another day, today is your day!  Today is the day that you CAN be the change you want to see in the world.  Today is the day that you can be, do, or have anything you want IF, (if is a little word with a big meaning), you put your mind to it.  Today is the day that YOU GET TO tell the people that are close to you that you love them.  You GET TO make a difference in peoples lives and change the world for the better!
Back in the day before the internet and cell phones, we used to have this thing called PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. Thank you in advance for allowing me to be a little sarcastic  for a moment and continuing to read any way! I’m simply trying to make a point that we over look and maybe don’t have time for anymore because of all of our “modern conveniences”.  The internet and cell phones that are supposed to make our lives so much more efficient and convenient to free up more of our time turn us into robots with no personal interaction.  Many of us don’t remember a time before all of this modern technology, a time where we had what I call the “the small town effect,” where everyone knows everyone else and what’s going on in their lives.
The small town effect occurred every where from small towns to big cities. People used to make a difference in other peoples lives daily.  It wasn’t uncommon to have a conversation with the person ringing up your groceries or your gas and the people standing in line behind you wouldn’t get mad, they would wait patiently until it was their turn, understanding that it was part of the process. Some times they might even add their two cents to the conversation.  Yes the world moved at much slower pace but was there something wrong with that?  There are still some people that move this way, you know the old guys who you saw reading the news paper, (what ever that is), enjoying some coffee at the local diner or coffee shop in your neighborhood.  They are in no rush, they would much rather take the time to enjoy each others company than to rush through the experience and get on with their day because they KNOW that today is the most IMPORTANT day and they DON’T KNOW when they will get to have this experience again. Chances are it will be tomorrow  but they don’t know that for sure so they’re going to enjoy every last drop of this experience NOW!
My point is that you really DON’T KNOW how many more times your going to have to GET TO have all of these experiences that we call life. I challenge you to take the time each day to get to really know someone that you interact with daily and never mind those complainers in line behind you! GET TO know your neighbors and what’s going on in their life you never know when you may need them or they may need you. Side note, I always laugh a little when I see or hear a news story and they interview the neighbors.  The neighbors always say the same thing “he or she seemed like a nice person but they kept to them selves and I didn’t know them that well but I can’t believe they did that”.  You should know the people living next door or across the street. When I was a kid, my family knew the majority of the people in our neighborhood for several blocks, we were connected and looked out for each other.
Making connections and building relationships enriches our lives in obvious ways but it also helps in ways we may not even recognize.  For example, this practice can help enrich your life at work.  Successful people in sales and business know the importance of personal relationships very well and the one’s that don’t are probably not very successful or haven’t reached their full potential. Sales people know that you must have a personal relationship with the client if you want them to trust you.  No one will buy anything from any body they don’t trust.  The more of a personal relationship a person has with someone, the more they are able to see what they need and are able to offer goods and services to meet their needs. Building these relationships includes getting to know the client, talking with them and getting to know about them. Learning their likes and dislikes, asking about their family and where they’re from as well as interacting with them and enjoying their company, for example, going out to eat or enjoying some entertainment together makes all the difference. Once a personal relationship is established the client will be more receptive to what you have to offer but the relationship always needs to be nurtured. Keep in touch and let them know you remember things about them by doing something like bringing them their favorite beverage, sending a birthday or an anniversary card.
Connecting with everyone on this level is not necessary but building relationships is necessary because it is the core of kindness and the human experience. We are on this planet in these bodies that can move and communicate, so why not take advantage of that opportunity and do just that?  Move, communicate, and connect! This is the most profound way to spread kindness.
Start TODAY making TODAY the most IMPORTANT day in your life, build one personal relationship every day and see how it changes your life to and the lives of others for the better. I know that you will go to bed at night feeling like you have made a difference in the world and that each day when you wake up will become more exciting because of the new connections that you make and the new experiences that you will GET TO have and enjoy. Till next time my friends SLOW DOWN and ENJOY your life and the people in it!  Thanks for reading!