Sunday, March 31, 2013

Just Kidding

You are a great and powerful human being!

Use your powers for good and you will be rewarded!

     How you interact with people is the single most important way to spread kindness.  The way you treat other people and the things you say carry weight to them.  When you choose your words and actions carefully it will make a difference in other peoples lives and the way they respond to you!  We never know the impact that our words and actions have on another person or how they view us.  How do you want to be thought of by others?  Do you want to be thought of as a happy uplifting person?  Do people enjoy your company? Do they request your presence? Or do you find yourself not being invited or talked to?
     Everyone knows "that guy" or "that girl" the one that one that is always just kidding. The person who comes around many times uninvited who shows up and greets you with an insult that is supposed to be "funny" but never is.  That person can be just as powerful as a kind person and in some cases more powerful. When they walk into a room the energy changes. People get on defensive they start looking over their shoulder and hoping subconsciously that they are not going to be attacked by that persons insults next.  In most cases people fear the insults so much that they take the preemptive strike and they deliver the insult first which only fuels the fire for that person and lets them think that their just kidding attack is funny and acceptable.  Then it becomes contagious and everyone starts making fun of one another. The impact that this person has on others is destructive. Even though it's understood that they are "just kidding," their words carry weight and a destructive force. The things they say affect people on a conscious and subconscious level. It affects their self esteem and makes them feel bad. Usually the person delivering the insults doesn't realize this so they continue to do it because they think it's funny and that others enjoy it.
     Then there is the opposite person; the one who gets invited to every thing. The one who puts a smile on peoples faces even before they say anything. The one who lifts and brightens every room they enter with they enter with their positive attitude and their kind words. This person always seems to have good luck and good fortune but more importantly, they are truly powerful people. This person empowers people with encouraging words and compliments, they make others feel good and raise their self esteem.  These people are always talked about in the highest regard long before they arrive somewhere and long after they leave.  The words and kind acts carry weight too and many times have a long lasting effect that goes on to affect others in a positive way.  People remember the good feeling and the good vibes that come from this person and they want to be like this person.
     Who do you want to be? The first person I described or the second?
     You can change any time you want. If you change for the good, I believe you will enjoy the benefits of that so much more that you will never change back.  It's easy to make the change to being a kind person, simply just smiling every time you see someone and paying them a genuine compliment is a great start.  They may not know how to take you at first and they may be waiting for "the punch line" or the insult, but once they know your sincere they will come around and begin to enjoy you and your company!
     How do I know?
     I used to be "that guy" and I saw the negative impact that my words and actions had on others so I decided to make the change and it has been one of the best things I have ever done. Not only do I uplift and empower others but I improve my own self esteem in the process. This change for me is what eventually lead me to create the Kindness Initiative Network and this blog.  I LOVE being kind so much more and seeing the difference that it makes for others that it's my favorite thing to do!  If you're "that guy or that girl" or you know that person, share this article with them and if they get mad or offended, tell them you are Just Kidding!
     Thanks for reading and remember were not here for along time were here for a good time so be kind to each other!

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