Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Be careful who you tell!

Do you have a great idea?
Do you want it to spread to as many people as possible?

     You might consider telling a few people like it was a secret...Funny how that works people love secrets and they love to share them.  Why is it important for everyone to know your idea?  The answer is easy the more people who know your idea the more powerful it becomes!  This is the basic concept behind the collective consciousness.
     One person does have the ability to change the world but when many people share the same idea it multiplies the effect that much more.  I don't write this blog to tell people how be kind.  I think we are born knowing how be kind.  I write this blog to spread the idea of being kind because the more people that are thinking and talking about it, the more people that are spreading the idea the more effect the idea has.  I don't think anyone can deny that we can use more kindness in this world.  If you are reading this blog I know that you have the desire to spread kindness just like me and that you want to see more kindness in the world just as I do.  You don't have to write a blog  or create a Facebook group to be an ambassador of kindness just share the secret with someone else.  You can do much better than just sharing the secret with a lot of people. Heck, you can even start a rumor that the new chic thing to do is be kind to one another.  Together we can make this a very powerful idea, one that everyone loves to share and the more people that are thinking about it the more powerful it will become!
      Before I finish this post I will share with you a secret I have discovered this week.  I found another blogger who is almost as talented as I...actually she is more talented that but who's counting.  Her name is Phäu Miz and she writes a blog about giftivism if your not sure what that is check it out I will share one of my favorite posts here http://socialmediabar.com/karmakitchengiftivism !
 Enjoy and remember we're not here for a long time we're here for a good time so be kind to each other!

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