Sunday, March 10, 2013

The more I look The more I find

Seek and you will find...~unknown

When I started my podcast I also started a Twitter account and  a few other social media accounts.  For the purpose of searching for other people besides the people on the Kindness Initiative Network spreading kindness and doing good deeds.  I was not surprised to find a few other groups and organizations focused on good deeds as well as a number of young people who find being kind a priority in their lives.  To my surprise I have found what seems to be an unending supply of people who make kindness and kind acts a priority in their lives.  The more I search the more I find and this makes me happy!

I started my group of KIN and my podcast to encourage people to change the way the world thinks and works one good deed at time because my experience in life up til now had been filled with people who were not so kind. I felt the need to inspire and encourage others to be kind and do good deeds. I still feel the need to do this because even though I have found a much larger number of people spreading kindness I believe that there needs to be more.

I think that no matter what the topic is you can always find a pocket of the population that is aware or involved but when it comes to kindness the numbers are growing to more than just a pocket they are well on there way to becoming the majority. This is good news and it excites me to think that people and corporations even small companies think that kindness and being nice to one another  is a priority.  My initiative is working; don't get me wrong I don't think that I am responsible for inspiring all of these people. I can feel good about being part of the movement that is kindness. I feel that I'm doing my part and I am contributing to changing the way the world thinks and works one good deed at a time! I will continue my efforts and continue to seek and partner where I can with other people, groups, and organizations to continue the powerful and rapid growth of this AWESOME MOVEMENT!
Thanks for reading and being kind to one another!

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