Saturday, March 2, 2013

Thank you for connecting with KIN

  I have started this blog as a way to reach out to even more people. Our Facebook group even though it’s small is very POWERFUL we are changing the lives of so many for the better with our kindnesses and people are inspired to do more all the time!
This group has been a real eye opener for me to see how man people want to live in a better more kinder world and how many people are willing to do what it takes to make it happen!
“KIN’ also known as the Kindness Initiative Network Established in July of 2012, KIN’s mission is to change the way the world thinks and works one good deed at a time by attempting to unite all humanity through kindness and good deeds. We welcome people from every walk of life. It is our kind actions and our desire to make the world a better place that define us, rather than age, sex, culture, ethnicity, social status, financial status and religious preference. It is our mission to treat everyone with kindness, respect and dignity and to offer hope and positivity in as many ways as we are capable. Offering a smile or a compliment, giving our time and effort, sharing our talents, kind words, and even material things if we can do so without causing physical, financial or emotional distress to ourselves. We do this with passion and joyfulness so that we may spread kindness all over the world and so that we can all live as one family, or KIN.

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